
Column: Future-Proofing Mobile Apps

UXmatters has published 1 editions of the column Future-Proofing Mobile Apps.

Top Trending Future-Proofing Mobile Apps Column

  1. Innovating the Next Generation of Mobile Apps

    Future-Proofing Mobile Apps

    Innovating the next generation of mobile apps

    August 19, 2024

    New technologies and user behaviors are continually emerging, forcing us to rethink how we design and develop mobile apps. As someone who has been deeply invested in this space for years, I find this constant evolution exciting. It pushes us to break boundaries and create mobile experiences that are not just functional but truly transformative.

    But where are we going from here? What innovations will shape the next generation of mobile apps? In this column, I’ll cover some exciting innovations that will revolutionize the way we interact with our mobile devices.

    The Rise of AI-Powered Experiences

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a dream for us. Mobile-app solutions have started to use AI to personalize experiences and automate tasks. For example, a fitness app tailors workout routines based on the user’s activity level and preferences, and a travel app curates personalized itineraries based on the user’s interests and past trips. These are some common examples that we can find everywhere, but the possibilities are endless. Read More

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