Of course, we’ve got some ideas in mind for features and services that we’d like to add to the UXmatters Web site, but we don’t want to limit your thinking by telling you what they are just yet. So, please tell us what you want and need by participating in our 2012 UXmatters Reader Survey. Thank you!
A Reminder to Participate in Our 2012 UXmatters Reader Survey
Right now, we’re conducting our 2012 UXmatters Reader Survey, and this year’s survey is more important than any we’ve conducted in past years. As we envision what more UXmatters might be to fulfill the unmet needs of the UX community, we need your help. We’re doing this for you! And you’re the only one who can tell us what your unmet needs are. Use your imagination! Think outside the box! Dream a little! Please help us to make UXmatters better than ever! Invest a bit of yourself in UXmatters.