
UX Research Strategies for Shaping Product Roadmaps

September 11, 2023

Creating an effective product roadmap that addresses users’ most critical needs and delivers the highest value requires a deep understanding of users. However, in many companies, product managers (PMs) and leadership make all product decisions without leveraging the valuable insights that UX research can provide. They instead rely solely on their own understanding of customers. Lacking an adequate understanding of users’ needs carries some inherent risks because product teams might fail to prioritize user-centricity or favor meeting business objectives that might not align with what is best for users. In this article, I’ll propose strategies for UX researchers that enable them to actively contribute to decision-making regarding product roadmaps, even on teams where this approach might not be the established norm.

To foster a strong partnership between product managers and UX researchers, it is crucial to initiate the research and analysis process by educating the team about the invaluable role that UX research can play, by harnessing existing knowledge about users or by initiating new studies to understand what features would enhance customer satisfaction. Educating your team on how to collaborate effectively can yield remarkable outcomes for both users and the business.

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Overcoming Challenges: Integrating UX Research into the Roadmapping Process

Building a solid partnership between product managers and UX researchers takes time. Product managers have had different experiences in working with UX researchers. UX research might be new to some of them, so they might not fully grasp its value and purpose. This can make it challenging to gain their support. However, other product managers might have more experience with UX research and be more open to collaboration. By continuously working on this relationship, you can develop a healthy partnership that can benefit everyone. UX researchers can contribute by helping product managers prioritize user needs and fostering a user-centric mindset, while product managers can share their expertise in the prioritization of features and handling dependencies.

To start developing such a relationship, it is helpful to identify potential allies among the product-management team who show an interest in gaining user insights and engaging in discussions about product-roadmap planning. During these conversations, you can identify knowledge gaps regarding user behaviors that existing user research could address.

Product managers might hesitate to initiate extensive new studies because of resource limitations. Therefore, during the early stages of relationship building, it might be more effective to suggest utilizing available insights or conducting quick studies that could provide insights that would help the team move forward. By starting with such smaller-scale research activities, you can demonstrate the value and impact of incorporating user insights into the team’s decision-making process. As product managers witness positive outcomes and improved alignment between product definition and user needs, they’ll hopefully become more open to allocating additional resources for larger, more in-depth studies in the future.

Leveraging Research Methods for Roadmap Insights

Product managers and other stakeholders often request UX researchers to conduct research using a specific method. For instance, they might ask, “Can we quickly conduct usability testing of a new design concept?” While it might be tempting to immediately say yes to please the team by being agreeable, it’s important to take the right approach to research.

So, instead of simply accepting a research request, a UX researcher should endeavor to understand the underlying question and the problem that the team is trying to solve. Based on this understanding, the researcher could evaluate what method would provide the most valuable insights and make the greatest impact. As a UX researcher, it is essential that you not depend on product management in making such decisions. Otherwise, you risk their choosing a method that might not be the best fit to answer their specific question. By educating product managers to focus on the core questions they need to answer rather than trying to choose a research method, UX researchers can ensure that product teams gain better and more valuable insights.

Incorporating Iterative Feedback Loops

An effective product roadmap requires the flexibility to accommodate iterative feedback loops. UX research plays a vital role in gathering input from both users and stakeholders. Various methods are available for collecting this valuable feedback.

For instance, conducting stakeholder interviews lets researchers understand their perspectives on the proposed roadmap and priorities. This approach not only helps researchers gather insights but also encourages stakeholders to become more involved in the decision-making process. By incorporating stakeholders’ knowledge of customers’ problems and understanding their severity, you can ensure a more comprehensive research process and better align their understanding with users’ actual needs. This collaborative approach ensures that the product roadmap reflects a holistic understanding of user requirements and business objectives.

Engaging users in your research through various channels such as surveys or user interviews is highly beneficial to gaining direct insights from the target audience. By involving users in the process of prioritizing feature roadmaps, researchers enable a company to incorporate user feedback effectively. This approach increases the likelihood of prioritizing features that align with user needs and preferences. It is also crucial that you conduct this analysis regularly because user priorities can change over time. By remaining flexible and open to continuous feedback, the company can adapt and respond to evolving user needs, ensuring that their product remains relevant to users and, thus, valuable. Embracing a user-centered, feedback-driven approach enhances a company’s ability to deliver a product that resonates with users and meets their evolving expectations.

By incorporating research-driven feedback loops, the team can prioritize the most valuable features and aspects of the product. Although this approach could require additional effort, it ensures that the product roadmap remains aligned with users’ needs and expectations. Iteratively gathering feedback also supports iterative planning based on the user feedback that you receive, fostering a user-centered approach that increases the likelihood of product success.


By implementing these strategies, UX researchers can actively contribute to the shaping of product roadmaps and ensure that users’ needs receive adequate consideration during decision-making. Involving UX research throughout the roadmap-development process lets you integrate insights from user research with data-driven decision-making. This collaborative approach, integrating user insights and research findings, leads to improved product prioritization and, ultimately, higher customer satisfaction.

Fostering strong partnerships between product managers and UX researchers requires ongoing efforts to educate the product-management team, identify allies, leverage the appropriate research methods, and incorporate iterative feedback loops. With these strategies in place, companies can elevate their product-roadmapping process and drive success in the competitive landscape of user experience. By prioritizing user-centricity and leveraging the insights that UX research provides, organizations can create products that truly meet the needs and expectations of their users. This user-centered approach leads to enhanced customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and ultimately, business growth.

In summary, the integration of UX research into the product-roadmap process is crucial to creating successful, user-centric products. By collaborating effectively with product managers, UX researchers can ensure the appropriate prioritization of user needs and that teams base their decision-making on data and insights. This collaborative partnership enables organizations to deliver products that not only meet business objectives but also exceed users’ expectations. As the importance of User Experience continues to grow, embracing this research-driven approach to product-roadmap development has become essential for companies who are seeking to thrive in today’s competitive market. 

Senior UX Researcher at Smartsheet

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Anastasia MaslakovaAnastasia is a seasoned UX researcher with over four years of experience dedicated to the field. With a strong command of various UX research methods and techniques, she has successfully conducted user-centric studies that informed design decisions and shaped impactful digital-platform transformations. Having worked at renowned organizations such as State Street in Boston, Anastasia has a wealth of experience in conducting user interviews, usability testing, heuristic evaluations, and surveys. Her expertise extends to analyzing qualitative and quantitative data to uncover valuable insights that drive user-centered design. As a key member of the UX research team at Smartsheet, Anastasia focuses on high-visibility areas that require a strong emphasis on user-centric design principles. Her passion for creating exceptional user experiences has consistently contributed to product success and furthered the advancement of the field of UX research.  Read More

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