
AI Prototyping for Autonomous-Agent Experiences

Conscious Experience Design

Designing for the evolving human+machine relationship

A column by Ken Olewiler
October 21, 2024

As artificial-intelligence (AI) technology advances, traditional user-experience methods must adapt to effectively address the dynamic and relational nature of new autonomous agents. The state of user interfaces has shifted dramatically from interactive systems with fixed, finite states to adaptive AI agents that are capable of flexible, even infinite interactions. Today’s AI-powered user interfaces don’t just respond to commands, they adapt, learn, and interact in ways that mimic human conversations and interactions.

As AI agents evolve to exhibit open-ended interactions, prototyping becomes crucial for UX designers to truly understand and effectively test these dynamic systems—going far beyond the requirements of traditional user-interface design. In this new era of the design of autonomous-agent experiences, UX designers need to more frequently and rapidly prototype throughout the design process and strengthen their skills in computational design to achieve optimal success.

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Computational-Design Skills in UX Design

As an AI design accelerator, my team at Punchcut collaborates with leading companies to apply human-centered design in enhancing the human + machine relationship across intelligent services, autonomous agents, sensory product interfaces, and automation tools. Prototyping has always been central to our UX design process, but it has become even more critical in early-stage AI design to ensure that solutions align with real-time AI interactions. Over the years, we have expanded our Design Technology practice at Punchcut to incorporate specialists who blend strong human-centered UX design skills with computational-design expertise.

Computational design is a design approach that leverages computational processes such as algorithms, data analysis, parametric modeling, and agile prototyping to generate and optimize solutions. To grasp the ways in which adaptive AI agents think and respond, embracing and expanding computational-design concepts is becoming essential for UX designers. AI prototyping provides the earliest opportunity for UX designers to deepen their knowledge of and expertise in the evolving space of computational design.

1. Growth of Adaptive Agents and Dynamic User Experiences

Advances in generative AI have sparked the development of a plethora of new digital assistants and AI agents. With their improved comprehension and creative and conversational abilities, AI agents can better interpret unique contexts, tones of voice, and, thus, actual user intent. The next generation of digital assistants will evolve into autonomous agents that have advanced cognitive abilities and can independently execute complex actions. Such agents can seamlessly collaborate with humans, as well as other agents, enhancing problem-solving and task efficiency. An ecosystem of autonomous agents can forge bonds and collaboratively undertake complicated, multistep processes without human intervention.

Machine learning enables AI to create experiences that are highly adaptive, context aware, and predictive—something that traditional user experiences have struggled to achieve. As systems continuously learn and refine their behaviors according to user data, AI-enhanced experiences allow more seamless, personalized, dynamic interactions that evolve with users in real time, driving greater user engagement and satisfaction.

Complexity of Adaptive Behaviors

One of the greatest challenges with AI is the complexity of adaptive behaviors, which could lead to unpredictable outcomes. Through the power of machine learning, adaptive AI systems can respond in a multitude of ways, offering an infinite number of use-case possibilities that are neither easy to predict nor replicable. Plus, these systems often operate in multimodal environments, in which they must process a variety of inputs, including text, voice, images, and sensor data from different sources. Variable conditions that depend on the time and environment in which these inputs occur, as well as their interplay often result in unexpected behaviors.

For instance, an AI system that interacts with users in a spatial environment might interpret physical gestures, voice commands, and contextual data in ways that shift depending on the setting. Without thorough prototyping, such complex interactions could result in undesirable outcomes such as misinterpreting user intent or making decisions that conflict with real-world conditions. Prototypes allow developers to simulate these multimodal environments, enabling them to observe how an AI system reacts and adapts in dynamic, real-world scenarios.

Traditional Measurement Limitations

Historically, in UX design contexts, user inputs have been unpredictable, while technological systems have been more predictable. However, the integration of machine-learning technologies that are capable of learning, adapting, and generating new outputs in real time have made predicting and envisioning the final user experience more challenging for UX designers. This unpredictability highlights the need to leverage prototypes as better means of exploring, understanding, and refining the ways in which AI agents can interact with users. Prototyping is no longer just about visualizing workflows or testing static screens, but more about simulating the dynamic, unpredictable behaviors of AI systems in real time.

For example, measuring the effectiveness of an AI-driven conversational agent requires more than assessing whether the agent can complete a particular task. It also requires understanding how the agent adapts its responses over time, how natural conversational flows feel, and whether the system improves with continuous use. Because of this unpredictability, we must evaluate the performance of AI agents using a combination of real-time metrics, user feedback, and iterative testing to account for the nuances of adaptive behaviors. Prototyping is vital to managing the inherent complexity and unpredictability of AI systems, enabling UX designers to refine both functional and relational aspects of agents early in the design process.

2. Performance Measures for AI Prototypes

Prototyping lets teams measure AI performance across a variety of dimensions, including functional, relational, conditional, and security considerations. Depending on the intended design solution, designers can create AI prototypes to explore early possibilities or test refined use-case scenarios. To ensure the most effective outcomes and deepest insights, you should clarify the goal of each prototype prior to building it. Let’s consider some common measures for determining the performance of AI prototypes.

Functional Feasibility

In the development of AI systems, early-stage prototypes play a critical role in assessing core functionalities. With new capabilities evolving every day, it is important to confirm not only what an interaction is but also how to accomplish it. Despite designers’ promising visions, certain functionality is simply not yet feasible. Therefore, our teams often engage in functional assessment early during the design process by reviewing rough paper prototypes, then rapidly assembling and testing experimental AI prototypes.

For example, we must evaluate AI agents that assist users in making decisions for their ability to provide accurate, timely, relevant recommendations. Prototyping enables designers and engineers to simulate the ways in which an AI processes information and generates outputs, helping them to identify any potential bottlenecks or failures in logic before moving on to full-scale development. Similarly, we can validate an AI’s ability to execute tasks such as navigating environments, responding to commands, or automating processes using prototypes, ensuring that an AI performs consistently across scenarios.

Relational Dynamics

Increasingly, we expect AI agents not just to perform tasks but also to interact with users in meaningful and human-like ways. As more conversational modes evolve, we can use prototypes to assess the appropriate degree of emotional and social connection that agents express through natural interface modalities. Tone, empathy, authenticity, and proactive support are fundamental lenses through which we can measure and fine-tune AI agents to achieve the most fulfilling relationships. The relational dynamic is indispensable to the overall user experience and directly affects how capable and trustworthy we perceive an AI system to be.

Critical metrics for assessing relational dynamics focus on the agent’s aptitude for customizing its communication style based on user preferences and emotional cues. Prototyping helps us explore these dynamics by reproducing discussions, analyzing how well the AI comprehends and responds to user inputs, and monitoring users’ perceptions of the agent’s emotional intelligence and reactivity. By optimizing such interactions early on, designers can ensure that the AI cultivates positive relationships, eventually leading to greater user participation and satisfaction.

Conditional Reliability

For AI prototypes that emulate adaptive agents, achieving conditional reliability is critical. The ability of these prototypes to simulate real-world scenarios accurately is essential to fostering user trust and system efficacy. Testing in conditions that replicate real-world conditions and use real-world data is fundamental to validating assumptions. Such simulations could comprehend dynamic environmental factors, user behaviors, and sensor data, allowing the AI agent to respond adaptively in ways that reflect real-life conditions. Utilizing cloud-based platforms enhances scalability and real-time processing capabilities, thus enabling sophisticated simulations of various conditions and ensuring that a prototype can manage complex inputs and evolve its behavior on the fly.

By integrating real-time feedback loops within a prototype, we can also monitor performance as the AI processes inputs. These feedback systems can help us identify and resolve various issues such as decision-making delays or inaccurate responses in real time, improving reliability. Stress testing and scenario simulations further reinforce the AI prototype’s robustness by pushing the system to handle edge cases and extreme conditions. By exposing the prototype to high-pressure or unexpected scenarios, teams can assess the AI’s adaptability and reliability in making decisions in real-world contexts.

Security Protections

Effective AI prototyping requires close attention to security and privacy from the start, ensuring the application of and compliance with regulatory and ethics frameworks. Current privacy concerns regarding data protection often raise issues with permission to use and safety of data assets. Designers can use prototypes to investigate the reliability of various data sources and the subsequent application of safeguards, including limiting data collection, applying encryption, and ensuring transparency and user consent. Together, these safeguards can reduce the risk of noncompliance and future legal challenges. Beyond the technical risks, we must also consider ethical risks. Testing for biases and unintended behaviors ensures that AI decision-making remains secure and fair as a system progresses toward full-scale production.

Many large, corporate clients have numerous restrictions on the use of various AI models and services. These restrictions require significant workarounds to create even basic prototypes. Edge-based computing models often provide safer approaches, with selective integration at key steps with public large language models (LLMs). When selecting AI platforms, be sure to prioritize evaluation of their privacy and data-retention policies. For instance, although OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) application-programming interface (API) offers high performance and features, Meta’s LLaMA (Large Language Model) may be more suitable for cases that require greater privacy because of its focus on cost and privacy.

3. Types of AI Prototypes

Prototyping is an essential step in the development of AI systems that allows UX designers and developers to explore concepts, test interactions, and validate their technical feasibility. Each type of AI prototype serves a distinct purpose for a specific stage of the design process. Now, I’ll describe the main types of AI prototypes, providing examples to clarify their differences.

  • Experimental AI prototypes:
    • What: Hands-on exploration of AI tools, features, and capabilities
    • Purpose: Expanding first-hand knowledge of an AI’s potential and limitations, allowing UX designers to better understand its capabilities
    • Use: Gaining insights into how AI behaves in different contexts, helping designers explore variable responses and interactions
    • Example: A UX designer’s experimenting with a pretrained language model such as GPT-4 to see how well it handles customer-service inquiries or creative-writing tasks. The goal is not yet to build a product, but to learn how the AI performs across various scenarios.
  • Paper AI prototypes:
    • What: Simple, hand-drawn sketches or rough wireframes on paper representing AI interactions or user interfaces
    • Purpose: Early-stage ideation to quickly explore and communicate AI concepts, workflows, or design layouts
    • Use: Brainstorming sessions, gathering initial user feedback, and validating basic concepts before further development
    • Example: A paper sketch of a chatbot interface, showing how a user might interact with a system. Paper prototypes could include rough dialogue flows, potential AI responses, and branching conversations that are based on user inputs.
  • Clickable AI prototypes:
    • What: Digital wireframes or mockups, including clickable elements that allow users to interact with a design in a limited, but tangible way
    • Purpose: Lets users click through screens and experience an AI system’s basic flows and interactions without full functionality
    • Use: Usability testing to evaluate the navigation, layout, and user experience of AI-driven user interfaces
    • Example: A clickable prototype of an AI-powered personal-assistant app, allowing users to click different tasks—for example, setting reminders or managing calendars—to simulate basic interactions and user flows, without full back-end functionality.
  • Simulation AI prototypes:
    • What: Early-stage prototypes that simulate AI behaviors or use cases, often focusing on potential interactions, but without full functionality
    • Purpose: Rapidly exploring and testing AI concepts to understand how a system might behave in real scenarios
    • Use: Gaining initial feedback on how users might interact with an AI and how the AI might respond in key scenarios
    • Example: A simulation of an AI-driven recommendation system, in which the prototype uses predefined rules to suggest products or content based on user preferences. Such a simulation doesn’t involve real-time AI processing, but shows how such a system would work in practice.
  • Functional AI prototypes:
    • What: A more developed prototype that includes working elements of the AI system, often using code to simulate interactions with real data
    • Purpose: Testing functionality, logic, and technical feasibility by using real or simulated data to validate the system’s core mechanics
    • Use: Developer handoffs, technical validation, and performance testing to ensure that an AI system works as intended before moving into full-scale development
    • Example: A functional prototype of an AI-powered health app that tracks users’ exercise habits and provides real-time feedback based on data inputs such as heart rate or workout duration. Such a prototype would use actual data processing and AI models to simulate how the app would work in a live environment.

4. Integrating Prototyping Across the UX Design Process

Now that we’ve explored the various types of prototypes and what they can assess, it’s important to understand how and when to integrate prototyping into the UX design process—particularly for AI-driven projects. AI prototyping is not a one-time task, but an iterative process that spans the entire design lifecycle, enabling teams to progressively explore, test, and refine an AI agent. Next, I’ll highlight key strategies for effectively incorporating AI prototyping throughout the UX design process.

Engaging in Prototyping from the Beginning

In an agile AI design environment, it is essential to start prototyping early. Introduce prototypes from the very first stages of conceptual ideation to allow rapid testing and iterative improvement. By creating rough, low-fidelity prototypes—such as paper sketches or experimental AI prototypes—teams can immediately explore how an AI might interact with users, gather early feedback, and make informed decisions about the appropriate design direction. Starting early also means a team can quickly explore multiple solutions, identify which interactions work best, and pivot easily when necessary, avoiding costly redesign later in the process.

Avoiding Issues by Confirming Functional Feasibility Early

One of the primary goals of prototyping in AI design is to confirm functional feasibility as soon as possible. With new capabilities appearing steadily, it is critical to discern reality from hype in terms of technical feasibility. By testing core functionalities early—for example, decision-making algorithms, data processing, or natural-language interactions, you can identify any potential limitations or technical challenges before they become significant obstacles. Functional AI prototypes that can simulate real data and interactions are also invaluable at this stage. For example, building a basic model that processes sample data can reveal how well a system handles key functions such as responding to user queries or generating recommendations. If issues arise, you can address them early on, allowing your smoother progression through the later stages of development.

Frequently Performing Generative and Evaluative Research

Successful AI-agent experiences depend on aligning technical capabilities with real human needs and opportunities. Designing for cooperative relationships with an AI requires insights into human expectations and perceptions as people interact with AI agents. Take care to design AI systems that tap into user intentions and modulate the degree and nature of assistance at each step of the interaction. Before diving into technical development, teams should make sure to engage in a research-driven design process. By conducting generative user research, you can understand when, where, and why people favor autonomy and control versus assistance and convenience across the experience. Consider using artifacts such as autonomy service blueprints to effectively denote human intentions and machine interactions over time. With the insights you gain, you can build more cooperative AI experiences that better balance explicit and implicit assistance.

Test prototypes regularly, embedding research sessions across the design process to learn how users interact with the system and how the AI behaves in real-time scenarios. Whether through usability testing, focus groups, or data simulations, every prototype iteration provides an opportunity to gain insights and refine the design. By treating prototypes as learning tools, UX designers can continuously improve both the user experience and the AI’s performance throughout the design process.

5. Human + Machine Convergence Is Driving UX Innovation

As autonomous agents become the dominant user-interface modality, AI prototyping can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of human-machine interactions. This shift represents the deepening convergence between humans and intelligent systems, which in response, is requiring both UX designers and developers to adapt their practices. Gaining hands-on experience with emerging AI technologies and interactions and the computational design that is foundational for AI agents is essential for UX designers. To navigate the complexities of AI-driven systems effectively requires continuing education in computational design for UX designers.

To understand the potential and pitfalls of AI agents, design processes for AI systems should start with experimentation and knowledge building. By embedding AI prototyping early and throughout the UX design process, designers can validate technical feasibility, address users’ needs, and create adaptable, real-world solutions. As we move toward more adaptive, open-ended systems, developing new methods of simulating diverse interactions will be crucial to deliver robust, natural autonomous agents. 

Managing Partner at Punchcut

San Francisco, California, USA

Ken OlewilerKen was a co-founder of Punchcut and has driven the company’s vision, strategy, and creative direction for over 20 years—from the company’s inception as the first mobile-design consultancy to its position today as a design accelerator for business growth and transformation. Punchcut works with many of the world’s top companies—including Samsung, LG, Disney, Nissan, and Google—to envision and design transformative product experiences in wearables, smart home Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, and extended reality (XR). As a UX leader and entrepreneur, Ken is a passionate advocate for a human-centered approach to design and business. He believes that design is all about shaping human’s relationships with products in ways that create sustainable value for people and businesses. He studied communication design at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.  Read More

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