
Business: Remote Work

UXmatters has published 10 articles on the topic Remote Work.

Top 3 Trending Articles on Remote Work

  1. What’s Holding You Back from Doing UX Design Remotely?

    August 24, 2015

    “I like the idea of working remotely, but I’m worried that I won’t produce great work if I’m cut off from the team.” Does this statement ring true for you? It did for me six months ago, as I struggled through a remote contract. I hadn’t worked remotely before. As I feared, I did not produce great work, and I felt lost as to how to improve the situation.

    People had often asked me why I couldn’t work from anywhere like developers do. But, usually, I just shook my head. I couldn’t explain exactly why not. Was it because I couldn’t talk with users? Not really. I’ve worked on many projects on which I couldn’t speak with users. I realized that it was something to do with communication. But why should doing UX design remotely be any different from remote visual design? Read More

  2. Employee-Centered Workplace Transformation

    Service Design

    Orchestrating experiences in context

    A column by Laura Keller
    April 5, 2021

    A year has passed since COVID-19 turned our personal and professional lives upside down. There are almost infinite ways in which to reflect on this milestone: how different countries handled the spread of the virus, how families coped with remote learning, how many memorable moments we missed because we didn’t travel or attend graduations or weddings, and how many memories we created simply by staying at home. But one way to reflect on this past year is how companies and employees have changed their expectations for where and how people work.

    Very suddenly in March 2020, COVID-19 forced most employees to work remotely—at least at companies whose operations allowed it. Companies had to figure out quickly how to enable employees to work from home—especially organizations who had not previously established a remote-working policy. Different employees likely had very disparate reactions to working from home, depending on whether they had previously been accustomed to it, had elders or children who required care or home schooling, and so on. Most companies likely assumed that this was temporary—only to realize by late spring that it wasn’t. As the initial, triage phase of remote working plateaued and operations within companies stabilized, many companies realized that they should use this situation as an opportunity to rethink the future of work for all their employees. Read More

  3. Tools for Remote, Collaborative UX Design

    Ask UXmatters

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    A column by Janet M. Six
    November 20, 2017

    In this edition of Ask UXmatters, our experts discuss their favorite tools for remote, collaborative UX design and how to use them in a variety of situations. Collectively, these tools support verbal and written communication, file sharing, screen sharing, collaborative drawing, and prototyping. Some tools try to replicate the way designers work in person, while others transcend these norms and create new paradigms for remote, collaborative UX design.

    Our expert panel also explains how to use to these tools to ensure that the result is a good design and every team member’s voice is heard. As you’ll see, UX designers are comfortable with various processes for creating designs, so some tools are a better fit for certain processes than others. Read More

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