UXmatters has published 22 articles on the topic Design Strategy.
This month in Ask UXmatters, our expert panel discusses how to prevent a project whose goal is defining UX strategy from devolving into a tactical exercise. First, our panelists considers how important it is that a project team have a shared understanding of what strategy is, but also acknowledge that, even among UX professionals, not everyone defines UX strategy in the same way. Our panelists define the terms strategy, tactics, business strategy, product strategy, UX strategy, and design strategy.
Our expert panel agrees, only once a business and a product team have aligned on their strategic goals can UX professionals understand how best to support all of those goals. Our panelists also recognize the importance of understanding where UX strategy work fits within a company’s projects and roles. Finally, the panel looks at how to create UX strategy artifacts that support business goals and propel their company toward achieving them. Read More
User-centric supply-chain systems are now essential for companies who want to give users a good experience. An effective UX strategy is crucial to achieving this goal.
The importance of UX design to the success of a digital product or service is becoming more widely acknowledged. User-interface (UI) design, a subset of UX design, focuses on designing a product or service that is aesthetically pleasing to its target audience.
Designing a supply chain with both the user experience and the user interface in mind ensures that everyone working within a supply-chain ecosystem will find it pleasing and easy to use. Together, UX design and UI design can help you deliver what users want. Read More
I am a principled designer. I also like to think I am a principled man, but today, I’m going to talk not about my moral guideposts, but about the principles I use in mobile design.
We all have many tips and tricks, styles, favorite research learnings, lists of heuristics to keep in mind, examples we try to follow, and favorite apps and Web sites. These are all tactical approaches to design. Using design principles means adding a layer of structure and meaning to your design tactics to help you to make better design decisions. Read More