UXmatters has published 23 articles on the topic Enterprise UX Strategy.
Until recently, I never saw the value in customer journey maps. In fact, throughout my career, I’ve even struggled with the value of personas and scenarios. Many times, stakeholders would just skim over them after our presentations or use them only to prove we were making progress on a project. Design teams, with the best intentions, made every effort to keep personas alive and breathing, only to succumb to other project pressures that demanded annotation, use cases, and itemized requirements.
So why have I written an article on the value of customer journey maps? How did I manage to reach the conclusion that customer journey maps are not only a worthy and effective tool, but also a crucial element on large, enterprise user experience (UX) projects? Because I saw them have a significant impact on a recent project with The Boeing Company, and I’m now a believer.
In this article, I’ll attempt to illustrate the virtues of customer journey maps, the necessary ingredients that make them an intelligent deliverable that encourages conversation and collaboration, and the role they can play in effecting real change in large organizations. Read More
How many times has this happened to you? You’ve finished presenting the results of your usability testing, heuristic evaluation, or other user research activity, feeling great about the positive impact your recommendations will have on a product’s user experience. The audience smiled and nodded along during your presentation. Most of them agree with your findings and seem genuinely impressed by the work you’ve done. But, later on, you face the reality that few of your recommendations have gotten implemented fully—and many, not at all.
Why don’t usability problems get fixed? If we point out obvious usability problems and provide reasonable solutions for them, why doesn’t someone fix them? In this column, I’ll explore these questions and provide some tips to help ensure your recommendations get implemented. Read More
For any business-to-business (B2B) startup, an effective user-onboarding process isn’t just a nice-to-have, but a pivotal factor in driving customer satisfaction and retention, increasing customers’ Lifetime Value (LTV), and driving sustainable business growth. An effective user-onboarding process can turn a customer’s initial interest into a long-term commitment.
The path to successful user onboarding in the B2B world is distinct from that of business-to-consumer (B2C) organizations. The challenges are unique and stem from the different expectations and needs of business clients. In B2B, the process of making a decision to become a customer typically involves multiple stakeholders, who have their own concerns and criteria. This complexity requires a more tailored onboarding experience that caters to the diverse roles and interests within a single large organization. Read More