Our community of readers on UXmatters continues to grow. Over the past year, more than 353,000 UX professionals have read articles on UXmatters.
At UXmatters, our goal is to produce a Web magazine that fulfills the information needs of UX professionals worldwide. To continue to achieve that goal, we need to hear from you! Therefore, we are now conducting our fifth annual reader survey to give you an opportunity to tell us how we’re doing, what your future content wants and needs are, and a little something about yourself.
Please participate in the 2010 UXmatters Reader Survey to let us know what kinds of articles you’d like to read on UXmatters and help shape the future of UXmatters. What we learn from all of you will help UXmatters better serve the needs of the UX community.
Completing the survey takes only about 10 minutes. The survey will close on December 1, 2010. Once the survey closes, we’ll publish the results on our Web site.